The End Times Church of America (a prophecy)
Martin Reid Martin Reid

The End Times Church of America (a prophecy)

In March of 2022, the Lord revealed to me (Timothy Sherman) a part of His plan for the Northern Idaho and Spokane region.

The Lord showed me the state of Idaho in a vision. He brought to my attention that it resembles the shape of the jawbone of a donkey…

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Glenda Sherman’s Encouraging Word Regarding Kansas City
Martin Reid Martin Reid

Glenda Sherman’s Encouraging Word Regarding Kansas City

The shaking at IHOP-KC has had tremendous ripple effects throughout the broader church, both positive and negative.

The Lord and the enemy both want to use this: the Lord wants to use it to refine, revive, bring repentance, restore, and re-align His Body, but the enemy wants to use it to destroy, condemn, accuse, and to steal…

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